Original War – Vehicles

Machine gun – Available from the very start without the need for research. It is a slightly more powerful version of the weapons used by standard infantry. The vehicle turret can fully rotate, and thus is perfect for light hit and run.
- Required addons: n/a
- Used by: Americans

Double machine gun – The perfect weapon for light patrol vehicles, it can turn in a 360 degree radius, and thus is used mainly for anti infantry defense. It is not suitable for armed assaults on heavier vehicles or bases.
- Required addons: n/a
- Used by: Arabs

Heavy machine gun – Like its american and arabian counterparts, this turret is good against infantry, can turn in a 360 degree radius and doesn\’t require any research before it can be constructed. It also suffers from the same drawbacks, but is overall more effective than its counterparts.
- Required addons: n/a
- Used by: Russians

Multi-missile ballista – A weapon based on an ancient design, this turret shoots off a flurry of projectiles in a cone shaped radius. It is available from the start.
- Required addons: n/a
- Used by: Arabs

Gatling gun – Very strong against infantry, less so against vehicles and buildings. This rotary machine gun is perfect in any assault against enemy infantry.
- Required addons: n/a
- Used by: every nation

Light gun – The light version of the gun turret can be installed on a light chassis unlike its bigger cousins, and is thus great in hit and run attacks from unexpected directions.
- Required addons: Gun extension
- Used by: Americans, Arabs

Double gun – Very good fast refire weapon, specialised especially against buildings and light vehicles. It can rotate in a full circle, and thus is very suitable for effective hit and run.
- Required addons: Gun extension
- Used by: Americans

Gun – The standard tank gun is easily the heaviest of the fully rotating turret weapons, and deals very good damage against vehicles and certain buildings.
- Required addons: Gun extension
- Used by: Russians, Arabs

Heavy gun – One of the strongest weapons on the Russian and American side, the Heavy gun can only be mounted on the heaviest chassis, but is perfect for assault duty due to its high damage against all targets. Unlike its smaller brothers, this is the only gun turret that cannot turn on the vehicle, and can only fire in a small radius in front of it, thus needing the whole vehicle to turn to aim the gun.
- Required addons: Gun extension
- Used by: Americans, Russians

Rocket launcher – Characterised by its long range and high damage to buildings. Useful as a siege weapon against enemy bases, however not to useful against moving targets due to the slow speed of the rockets.
- Required addons: Rocket extension
- Used by: every nation

Rocket – Having an even longer range than the standard rocket launcher, this long range rocket is bigger and deals even more damage, but cannot fire as fast or turn on the vehicle chassis. In addition to that it can only be mounted on the heaviest of chassis. Regardless of its vices, this weapon gives the Russians an exceptional advantage in base assaults.
- Required addons: Rocket extension
- Used by: Russians

Flame-thrower – Low-tech, low range weapon with high damage effective against all targets. Good in surprise attacks, when the enemy cannot destroy it quickly enough.
- Required addons: Container extension
- Used by: Arabs

Laser – A weapon that shoots off a high energy laser beam at a target of its choosing. Exceptional against vehicles, but very vulnerable to infantry.
- Required addons: Laser extension
- Used by: Americans

Double laser – An improved version of the laser, this weapon shares all the characteristics of its sister weapon, but adds a special ability also: it can link up with another double laser to form a laser barrier between the two vehicles. Any enemy units inbetween the two will then be hit with a far stronger laser, and most likely destroyed. Like its sister weapon however, the double laser too is vulnerable to infantry.
- Required addons: Laser extension
- Used by: Americans

Self-propelled bomb – A low tech weapon designed to induce terror. The self-propelled bomb deals very high damage against all targets, but being a suicide weapon it is of limited use. While generally more useful when remote controlled, it can also be manually driven to the target, and if the mechanic driving it has high enough experience, he might be able to walk away from the explosion without too high damage.
- Required addons: Siberite extension
- Used by: Arabs

Siberite rocket – The strongest weapon ever developed, the siberite bomb utilises siberite fission to produce an immense explosion capable of levelling entire bases. Unlike any other weapon however, it is a one shot turret, and once fired the launcher becomes useless and can be disgarded.
- Required addons: Rocket extension, Siberite extension
- Used by: Americans, Russians

Behemoth – A Russian mobile fortress, this vehicle is so large that it has to be constructed outside of the factory. Its speed and mobility leave much to be desired due to its size, but it is a fearsome weapon that can easily dispatch a number of targets on its own, even under enemy fire. It is equipped with rocket launchers, gun turrets, heavy machine guns, a flame thrower and a bulldozer.
- Used by: Russians
Civilian equipment

Radar – Recon equipment mountable on vehicles and towers. Radars ignore terrain height, and reveal everything around them in a perfect circle. Their long line of sight enables them to spy on enemy bases in difficult terrain without being spotted.
- Required addons: Radar extension
- Used by: Americans

Time lapser – An exclusive Russian weapon, the time lapser slows down the movement and rate of fire of all enemy vehicles in its range, giving the Russians an additional advantage.
- Required addons: Siberite extension
- Used by: Russians

Control tower – A mobile control tower, a vehicle equipped with this can remotely control other vehicles. Unlike the American control tower building, it can also move around the map to avoid detection.
- Required addons: Radar extension
- Used by: Arabs

Cargo bay – Can be used to transport resources to and from bases in large quantities. It can carry up to 100 units of any resource, and is perfect for quick interdiction of materialising crates.
- Required addons: Non-combat extension/Container extension
- Used by: every nation

Bulldozer – Useful for clearing forests before armed assaults. Can only be installed on the heaviest vehicles, and in a critical situation can also help tear down an enemy base.
- Required addons: Non-combat extension
- Used by: Americans, Russians

Crane – Indispensable for large bases, the crane does the construction work of an engineer far more efficiently. The downside is increased size and vulnerability.
- Required addons: Non-combat extension
- Used by: Americans, Russians

Light wheeled – A light, fast and agile chassis suitable for scouting, and not much more. Cannot negotiate steep slopes.
- Can mount: Machine gun, Light gun
- Required addons: n/a
- Used by: Americans

Medium wheeled – An armoured version of the light wheeled chassis, this is suitable for hit and run combat situations where heavy weapons are not yet deployed.
- Required addons: n/a
- Can mount:
Americans – Machine gun, Gatling gun, Light gun, Double gun, Rocket launcher, Laser, Cargo bay, Crane
Russians – Heavy machine gun, Gatling gun, Gun, Rocket launcher, Time lapser, Cargo bay, Crane - Used by: Americans, Russians

Heavy wheeled – A heavily armoured and strong chassis, however its wheeled based movement, while providing adequate speed, does not help with its mobility.
- Required addons: n/a
- Can mount: anything
- Used by: Russians

Medium tracked – A slower, but more mobile and armoured version of the medium wheeled chassis. Tracked vehicles are be able to climb steeper hills, unlike their wheeled brothers.
- Required addons: Track extension
- Can mount:
Amerykanie – Machine gun, Gatling gun, Light gun, Double gun, Rocket launcher, Laser, Cargo bay, Crane
Rosjanie – Heavy machine gun, Gatling gun, Gun, Rocket launcher, Time lapser, Cargo bay, Crane - Used by: Americans, Russians

Heavy tracked – The heaviest chassis available. Heavy tracked vehicles can withstand a lot of punishment, and are perfect for defense or assault purposes. Their tracks ensure they can also traverse more difficult terrain, albeit their size might stop them from reaching certain places.
- Required addons: Track extension
- Can mount: anything
- Used by: Americans, Russians

Morphling – An experimental American chassis, the Morphling is effectively a mix between a tracked and wheeled chassis, utilising the speed of its wheeled mode when moving on plain ground, and switching to tracked mode when encountering more difficult terrain. This chassis is efficient and fast, although not as heavily armoured as the heavy tracked one.
- Required addons: Track extension
- Can mount: anything
- Used by: Americans

Hovercraft – The only chassis in the game that allows for traversing over deep water. Useful for scouting and light raid purposes, but due to its very low armour; not much more than that.
- Required addons: n/a
- Can mount: Multi-missile ballista, Light gun, Double machine gun
- Used by: Arabs

Light trike – A counterpart of the American light wheeled chassis. It is fast, but very weak and unable to climb hills.
- Required addons: n/a
- Can mount: Multi-missile ballista, Light gun, Double machine gun
- Used by: Arabs

Medium trike – Cheap, fast and decently armoured, this chassis is perfect for raids across plain terrain. It still cannot climb hills however.
- Required addons: n/a
- Can mount: anything
- Used by: Arabs

Half-tracked – The mainstay of the Arab forces, it is the heaviest chassis available to them. The half-tracked chassis is fast, well armoured and negotiate difficult terrain.
- Required addons: Track extension
- Can mount: anything
- Used by: Arabs
- Required addons: n/a
- Used by: Americans, Arabs
- Required addons: n/a
- Used by: every nation
- Required addons: Siberite extension
- Used by: every nation
- Required addons: n/a
- Used by: every nation
- Required addons: Radar extension
- Used by: Americans, Arabs
- Required addons: Computer extension
- Used by: Americans, Russians
- Required addons: n/a
- Used by: Arabs
Type | Defence | Speed | ||
solar | combustion | siberite | ||
Light wheeled | 25 | 18 | 18 | — |
Medium wheeled | 40 | 13 | 13 | 15 |
Medium tracked | 45 | 11 | 11 | 13 |
Heavy tracked | 55 | — | 9 | 10 |
Morphling | 50 | — | 16 | 19 |
Type | Defence | Speed | |
combustion | siberite | ||
Medium wheeled | 40 | 13 | 15 |
Medium tracked | 45 | 10 | 12 |
Heavy wheeled | 60 | 9 | 10 |
Heavy tracked | 65 | 7 | 8 |
Behemoth | 160 | — | 4 |
Type | Defence | Speed | ||
solar | combustion | siberite | ||
Hovercraft | 20 | 20 | 20 | — |
Light trike | 30 | 18 | 18 | — |
Medium trike | 35 | 14 | 14 | 14 |
Half-tracked | 40 | 12 | 12 | 12 |
Author: zoNE
Translation: Yuri_S