Original War Tournament 2019
Current Prize pool::
€220! (1000PLN)
- 1st place – 50% current prize pool and the key for a random game.
- 2nd place – 30% current prize pool.
- 3rd place – 20% current prize pool.
Consolation prize:
4th place – Key for a random game.
Prizes for charity!
As games unite, not divide, we wish to inform you that according to the arrangements made during the grand finale of the Original War Tournament 2019, cash prizes for the 1st and 2nd place have been given to a charitable organization chosen by you in a vote! This time, prizes with a total value of 800 PLN went to the charitable foundation “Fundacja Rak’n’Roll – Wygraj życie” (win a life). Probably everyone knows, has or had someone in the family who has suffered or suffers from cancer. Rak’n’Roll foundation changes ways of thinking about cancer and works to improve the quality of life of cancer patients. We hope that this amount, although small, will contribute to someone’s happiness at least to a small extent.
Thank you to all participants for taking part in the tournament and voting in the poll. Thank you to all the finalists for agreeing to hand over the prizes! Proof of payment can be found below. We also invite you to the foundation’s website: https://www.raknroll.pl/.
Best Actions!
Rules: https://forum.original-war.net/viewtopic.php?f=30&t=5897
Tournament rules:
- The tournament will consist of 2 phases: Qualification round and play offs. The 8 best players of qualification round will advance to the play off phase. We will be able to determine the exact tournament formula after the recruitment process was completed. If the required number of 8 players isn’t registered, we reserve the right to change the formula of the tournament.
- The tournament will be played on a Clan Base rules (current rules available at this link: https://original-war.net/articles.php?a=multiplayer_matchtypes).
- Qualification phase will be played on „Alien Base” map. To prevent unnecesarry prolonging of the qualification matches, „Siberite Rocket” technology will become available.
- In the play off phase, the map will be selected via pre-game ban during which, players will receive a list list of total 3 maps, then every player will decide which map they DON’T want to play. The map that will remain as the last one, will be the one used in the play off phase.
- The tournament will be played on the current official version, which is as of the time of writing. The patch may change if an official update is released before the tournament.
- In case a player is disconnected or Synchronization is lost,each player is allowed to repeat each game once again. The tournament organizers will verify whether the participant actually got a synchronization lost or deliberately left the game with no chance of winning. Cases of obvious loss of one of the parties are not subject to complaint.
- Usage of any kind of game bug, glitch or cheats is strictly forbiden.
- In case of win in a tournament, we will contact the winners with further instructions of transfer the prize. Informations required to payout the prize will be collected by site administrator and then passed to the tournament organizer (YouTube channel Livd: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXaSYYWvb_0yVyOBOFK_68g), to perform the payout of the prize. Every information obtained this way will only be used for this purpose
- The dates of matches will be set and published in the Original-War.net forum 12.02.2019. (Link pending) The allowed time delay for your fight is 15 minutes, then the walkover will be announced.
- In the event of a transfer of fights, the player who doesn’t match the date or time, is obliged to agree with the player with whom he wants to exchange for fights. In this case, the consent of 4 players is required (a player who wants to change the date of the fight with someone, his opponent and both players with whom he wants to change the date). Requests and approvals to change the date must be reported to the site administrator: zoNE, up to a maximum of 24 hours before the specified date of the fight.
- The organizers reserve the right to change the rules and regulations before and during the whole tournament.
Participants willing to join the tournament must meet all of the below requirements:
- They are at least 18 years old.
- Have an account on original-war.net (where we will verify the identity of players).
- Provide their application no later than 09.02.2019 at 23:59.
- Have Original War ;).
A valid application must have:
- Player’s nickname. (The Original War nickname must be the same as the Original-War.net nickname – this will make it easier for us to identify players).
- Information “I want to participate!” (for example: zoNE – I want to participate!).
Match hours: to avoid long breaks or delays, match hours are indicative hours – so some matches can take place sooner or later. Players should be on the live organizer beforehand and follow the end of the fight in front of them by looking at the forum. Due to the 15-minute delay on live, information about the players asked for the next fight will be given by the moderator in the live chat on youtube, and the password for the game will then be given in a private message on the OWN (original-war.net). Players then have 15 minutes to appear in the game, if they do not appear, victorious by default.
The rules of the matches: CB match (Clan Base)
- 2 behemots maximum
- 4 turrets maximum
- 2 barracks maximum
Game speed: default in multiplayer (throughout the game).
Maps in the elimination phase:
- Alien Base (throughout the game).
Maps in the semi-final, final:
- Alien Base
- Bloody Valley (Simple)
- Highlands (Simple)
(Maps are subject to change.)
Number of fights played in the match: at the stage of elimination matches will take place up to 1 win, and at the stage of semi-final to 2 wins (3 fights per match), final to 3 wins (5 fights per match)
Ready to play: before each game starts, the organizer will ask in the chat room if they are ready to start the game. Changes in the choice of nation and position (it is also allowed for players to choose a random position) can only be made before the players are ready to play. When both players declare that they are ready to play, no changes are allowed anymore. Any such change when players declare themselves ready to play will result in the loss of the match on the part of the person who made the change or in the disqualification of the player. Disqualification will be decided by the judge.
Use bugs: any use of bugs by a player will be considered grounds for disqualified from the tournament. This includes breaking through an opponent’s BT (build time) zone, using bugs to explode characters, putting up and using building explosions (e.g. a lineup) to destroy the opponent, and any other use of bugs. Disqualification is decided by the judge.
Breach of rules: any violation of the rules of the game will result in the loss of the match of the player breaking the rules or even disqualification from the tournament. Disqualification is decided by the judge.
Map selection by players in the semi-final, final: the map is selected by subsequent players rejecting maps from the list of available maps in a given match. Example: there are 3 maps available (A, B and C), in the game there are two players (1 and 2), player 1 gets the possibility to reject 1 map, reject map B, then player 2 has the possibility to reject another map, reject map A – map C is the chosen map for the first game. Map C is then also blocked for use in the next fight in the match between these players (because we fight up to 2 wins). The right to reject the map in the next fight is given to the competitor who lost the previous fight in this duel. Priority in the first match of the match is given to the person who got to the final of the losing round (match number 49). In case of fight 47, the first person who is higher in the ladder blocks the map. The third fight (if any) takes place on the map, which was not used during the 1st or 2nd fight. After the maps from the pool are deplete (in the case of the final), all maps return to the pool again (you will be able to select 4 maps A, B or C in battle).
Repeat fights: Each fight can only be repeated once. The possible reasons for repeating the fight are:
- Ejection of one player, all players or a judge from the game
- exceeding 200 on the sync lost counter
- occurrence of a game error that makes it impossible to continue the game
The judge decides on the repetition of the fight. If the fight is repeated, it is no longer possible to repeat it again – the judge decides on further actions.
Day #1
Vitus vs Marc Le Fleur
Darth Saviola vs Szpiegu
Mart vs Serpent
Day #2
Bren vs Thorgall
francesco vs AntonioPL
Szpiegu vs Mart
Lazarus vs Marc Le Fleur
Belkov vs Gelwe
creative vs MarianPL
DJDAREK1 vs Bren
TENSHINHAN vs arturc200
Darth Saviola vs Serpent
Day #3
francesco vs Janusz Gry
francesco vs Mart
Marc Le Fleur vs Thorgall
Bren vs Janusz
Belkov vs Laminos
Darth Saviola vs AntonioPL
Lazarus vs Serpent
Gelwe vs MarianPL
Bren vs Janusz Gry
Thorgall vs AntonioPL
Gelwe vs arturc200
Day #4
Laminos vs creative
Serpent vs francesco
Rutek vs Laminos
Janusz Gry vs Thorgall
Lazarus vs MarianPL
Day #5
francesco vs arturc200
Thorgall vs Rutek
TENSHINHAN vs francesco
Lazarus vs Rutek
Semi-Final: MarianPL vs Bren
Day #6
Semi-Final: Bren vs Lazarus
Grand Finale: MarianPL vs Bren