Original War – Character levels
As each of us probably already know, in Original War we don’t create or hire any soldiers on demand. We can use assigned or recruited units only. One of the ways to improve our soldiers’ performance and upgrade their abilities is to train them in one of the four skill types.
There are four skill types which our character can be trained in, also further increasing his level: soldier, engineer, mechanic, scientist.
Types of skills
Earning experience
There are a few ways to increase a character’s experience level. The main way is successfully accomplishing mission objectives. When a mission ends, our characters gain some experience points which we can spend on their abilities of our choosing. To increase a level of chosen character’s skill we must click the character’s photo and choose the skill that we want.
The other way to increase experience is by simply putting the character to work on different tasks:
Experience points
Each level is based on the amount of our experience points. In sequence:
0 level – 0 pt.
1 level – 1000 pt.
2 level – 3000 pt.
3 level – 7000 pt.
4 level – 11000 pt.
5 level – 20000 pt.
6 level – 35000 pt.
7 level – 55000 pt.
8 level – 90000 pt.
9 level – 150000 pt.
10 level – 240000 pt.
Attention: If our character has for example 3rd skill level while having 0-999 experience point, then next level will require 1000 points etc.
Author: zoNE
Translation: Antitheus