Original War – Buildings
Technical Buildings
Depot, Warehouse – the most important building within any base. It stores all the resources of a base, is required for the continued operation of powerplants and proper resource flow to other buildings. It is considered as the centre of any base, and can also issue engineering tools to any soldier.
- Building capacity: 6 people max.
- Can be upgraded: Yes
- Add-ons: No
Laboratory – allows for the research of new technologies. Also issues scientific equipment people switching their professions to scientists.
- Building capacity: 6 people max.
- Can be upgraded: Yes
- Add-ons: No
Workshop, Factory – constructs and dismantles vehicles and turret weaponry. Also issues mechanic’s equipment packs.
- Building capacity: 6 people max.
- Can be upgraded: Yes
- Add-ons: Yes (extension of the factory)
Military Buildings
Armoury, Barracks – stores and issues guns and infantry equipment. Allows garrisoned infantry to fire out of the building at incoming enemies using their hand weaponry.
- Building capacity: 6 people max.
- Can be upgraded: Yes
- Add-ons: No
Breastworks – allows a garrison spot for a single soldier, who can then fire out of the building at incoming enemies. The soldier is protected from enemy fire while within the breastworks, until he is evacuated or the structure is destroyed.
- Building capacity: 1 person max.
- Can be upgraded: Yes
- Add-ons: No
Manual tower – like the breastworks, allows a garrison spot for a single soldier. However, instead of firing his own weapon, the soldier will use any of the vehicle weapons that are mounted on top of the tower, thus dealing more damage. The manual tower requires a factory or workshop to construct its weapon after it is built.
- Building capacity: 1 person max.
- Can be upgraded: Yes
- Add-ons: Yes (weapon)
Automatic tower – like the manual tower, this building can mount a vehicle weapon on top of it. The difference is that this tower does not require a soldier to garrison it to be able to operate. The downside is that the damage done by this tower will not be as high as it would be when operated manually by a soldier.
- Building capacity: n/a
- Can be upgraded: No
- Add-ons: Yes (weapon)
Energy Buildings
Mining stations – collect needed energy sources from underground resource patches. There are two types of minig stations – oil tower and siberite mine.
- Building capacity: n/a
- Can be upgraded: No
- Add-ons: No
Power plants – there are three types of power plants:
– solar (low energy output, cheap to build, uses no fuel, available only to Americans and Arabs)
– oil (normal energy output, large oil consumption)
– siberite (high energy output, large cost and long build time, uses no fuel)
- Building capacity: n/a
- Can be upgraded: No
- Add-ons: No
Special Buildings
Teleport – available to the Russians, a teleport can move single units across large distances. The recharging process is fast, and the units can easily be moved behind enemy lines using this method. The only disadvantage is that a scientist needs to reach the teleport destination first to calculate the exit coordinates, making the technology a risky stratagem.
- Building capacity: n/a
- Can be upgraded: No
- Add-ons: No
Remote control tower – available to the Americans, this building can garrison a number of mechanics, who can then control American remote controlled vehicles from its safety. A mechanic can drive more than one remote controlled vehicle, but his efficiency will decrease with the number of vehicles he needs to manage.
- Building capacity: 3 people max.
- Can be upgraded: No
- Add-ons: No
Author: zoNE
Translation: Yuri_S