Browse professional website templates built using XHTML and CSS.
I do not take responsibility for any errors or introduced changes.
Silesian Park of Medical Technology Kardio-Med Silesia (2023)
Technologies: PHP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript
Description: Silesian Park of Medical Technology Kardio-Med Silesia in Zabrze (KMS) is a modern scientific research centre established in 2015. Its well-equipped infrastructure, meeting highest European standards, allows on conducting innovative scientific-research projects and development of the novel technologies in field of medicine and biotechnology.
Daniel “zoNE” Gabryś (2023)
Technologies: PHP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript
Description: My personal website.
Acellmed (2022)
Technologies: PHP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript
Description: Acellmed is a start-up founded in 2019 as a response to regional and global market demand for implementing innovative pharmaceutical and biotechnology solutions. We are focused on developing medicinal products that provide optimal efficiency and safety. We have access to modern research and scientific background. We work with ambitious scientists and operate on the basis of a modern and refined business model. Our goal is to bring to market innovative and effective solutions in the field of pharmacy and medical biotechnology – especially solutions based on microRNA technology, stem cells and liposome drug carriers (nanotechnology). Acellmed addresses its offer to leading representatives of Big Pharma, R&D units and biotechnology companies from Poland and abroad.
Ringsmed (2022)
Technologies: PHP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript
Description: Ringsmed is a young, innovative telemedicine company founded in 2019. The main business of the Company is creating new services and medical products using telemedicine solutions that facilitate constant monitoring of the patient’s health condition, at the Emergency Departments – ED or at home – HOME.
Kardio-Med Silesia Clinic Complex (2023)
Technologies: PHP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript
Description: Kardio-Med Silesia is a modern specialized clinic offering professional medical care to the patient in a comfortable environment.
Ringsmed – E-Learning Platform (2021)
Technologies: PHP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript
Description: From a combination of experience in the areas of medicine and information technology and in response to the needs of contractors, an e-learning platform has been created. A platform that allows contractors to promote their content in the broad field of medicine – but not only – and recipients to consume content that is always of the highest level.
Silesian Park of Medical Technology Kardio-Med Silesia – LabCovid-19 (2020)
Technologies: PHP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript
Description: The aim of the study is to detect individuals who have undergone SARS-COV-2 infection asymptomatically or sparsely and may have developed immunity to the infection. On the basis of the analysis of the presence of IgG, IgA and IgM class antibodies in the blood serum of volunteers, the actual percentage of employees who have been in contact with the SARS-COV-2 virus will be determined. The study will include health care workers of three different health care centres in Silesia and Opole provinces, i.e. doctors, nurses, paramedics, laboratory diagnosticians.
Languages: (2013)
Technologies: PHP,, XHTML, CSS, JavaScript, SilverLight
Description: From the very beginning the purpose of this site, were the online meetings. provides free, available for everybody, online trainings in topics of broad range of technologies – mostly IT, but not only. Meetings take place few times a week and they are broadcasted over the internet. also allows you to watch (through the VOD technology) few hundred online meetings, leaded by experienced, and successful presenters. Access to the site, and its content is free. If you have any questions of problems check out our FAQ. We would like to welcome you in our community, and invite you the future meeting.
UKS “Grot” Ruda Śląska (2015)
Technologies: PHP, XHTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery
Description: The website of the archery sports club UKS “Grot” Ruda Śląska, scripts used on the site: PHP and JS.
Budo Kontrakt (2015)
Technologies: PHP, XHTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery
Description: Scripts used on this website: PHP, JS.
Energo Kontrakt (2013)
Technologies: PHP, XHTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery
Description: Scripts used on this website: PHP, JS.
Klub Sportowy GWAREK Zabrze (2011)
Technologies: PHP, XHTML, CSS, JavaScript
Description: Szkolny Klub Sportowy Gwarek Zabrze is a Polish football club based in Zabrze. The club are three-time youth champions of Poland, in 2002, 2003 and 2006.
Centrum Edukacji w Zabrzu (2010)
Technologies: PHP, XHTML, CSS, JavaScript
Description: Scripts used on this website: PHP, JS.
Languages: Conference (2010)
Technologies: PHP, XHTML, CSS, JavaScript
Description: An annual Conference is an edition of virtual, worldwide conference, created for the whole IT community. We created it to allow, and support the exchange of expert knowledge and to help the IT professionals to widen their horizons. Conference is organized by the editorial office in connection with the best IT specialists working with us.
Languages: Xmas Mailing
Technologies: XHTML, CSS
Description: Newsletter.
Archangels of War – Original War game clan
Technologies: PHP, XHTML, CSS
Description: Scripts used on this website: PHP.